Friday, March 12, 2010

Control Your Dreams While You Sleep

Did you know you could control your dreams while you sleep?  It's like being able to create your own world.  Imagine chatting with people you haven't talked to in ages or famous people you may never meet in real life.  What settings would you create?  What dreams would you have?

More importantly, how could you use that skill to enhance your own life?

Remember when the Second Life site was all the rage?  Maybe it still is.  I haven't been there in awhile.  I was fascinated with why other people found it fascinating.  Eventually, it became obvious - we all want to escape the life we have or work with it as if it were a hunk of clay and reshape it into something else.  Something more than we have now.

If you could do that in your dreams you'd have an even better experience to draw from than you would in an online network because your real self would be experiencing the actions and activities you create.  Just because it happens in a dream doesn't mean it doesn't feel real to you.  In fact, you already know that when you dream everything seems incredibly life like.  Sometimes you even wake up from a dream thinking it was so real that you find yourself checking your arms and legs to see if they are still there.

In order to control your dreams while you sleep, you have to work on a few essential skills.  If you can recall your dreams, you'll do much better at being able to change what happens inside of them.  Once you can master remembering your dreams, you can work on being in charge of who shows up in your dreams, where you go in your dreams (hmmm...a trip to Hawaii is in my future), and what course you take in your life.

Because the experience will feel so life like, if you control your dreams you get to rehearse real life.  Make a mistake in a dream?  Recover, learn from it, and apply the lessons to your everyday life.

What would you dream about if you could dream about anything at all?

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